As a soul comes to the end of an earthly life it develops a strong higher consciousness, you would call it a sub-conscious level, of awareness regarding the life just experienced. As that end comes nearer and nearer, the memories of experiences and lessons begin to catalog in the soul mind for deep consideration.

There is a short time after the death cycle where the personality aspect and resulting mind records take the most active role in what it experiences. As Rampa wrote, it is often what a person expects to experience after death that guides the situation in which the personality part of the soul first participates. If it is the nothingness concept, that is what occurs until one becomes restless and looks for more. Heavenly fields or damnation expectations bring exactly that experience until the realization of false expectations seeps through and it is no longer a necessary experience. As that part of the immediately past life shell dissolves, a new awareness takes its place.

The real experience begins when the conscious awareness of another dimension with another set of opportunities and expectations is available. At that point, the soul mind begins to remember other lifetimes and other lessons. Then begins to relate them to the immediately past lifetimes.

Since there is no real time nor space beyond your world and in the full spirit realms, the manifestation of appearance and experience can vary for each being. Since filters of expectation from past experiences are what shape the early times, that is the manner in which the soul slowly returns to the true source.

If needed, a type of vacation of the soul may be taken for relief from stressors and joyful times. The amount of time spent in this peaceful limbo is unique to each individual. It is not dictated by an outside source. We do act as resources and guides, but the decisions and actions are purely free will. For without that free will there is no commitment and very little opportunity for learning or clear self-evaluation.

Once the soul is rested and ready, it takes upon itself to fully review and evaluate the immediate past lifetime in minute detail. As that review is taking place, the original plan for the lifetime appears, as a reference for evaluation points. What was the main goal of the lifetime? What were the times to learn how to do? What were the items to learn how not to do? What values were being tested for ultimate truths? What conclusions were reached. What ah ha moments occurred. What were the oh no moments? How far did the personality and body mind stray from prior experiences in other lifetimes?

Then these conclusions are compared to other lifetimes with connected lessons, relationships, attitudes, etc.? How do the puzzle pieces fit together?

What has been brought to completion as soul lessons and conclusions? What items are still undecided or unfinished? How do the overall patterns ad decisions and actions overlay to affect the ultimate soul growth?

This is an intensive process with great consideration. Most of the work is done by the soul mind. Yet we as guides take a very active part in questioning and pointing out possibilities as well as repercussions on the soul itself, and other beings. Since life is in large part about learning, the evaluation of that learning is to be taken very seriously and requires great consideration.

As conclusions about strengths, challenges, areas not yet addressed, and new possibilities, a blueprint of sorts begins to emerge of what could be next in this grand experience.

So, lists of possibilities are created, calling upon all of the past lifetimes, and interactions with other beings. Lists of times, places, situations, events, connections with other souls, goals, and ways to make a pattern for a new lifetime are slowly developed.

Then it is time to begin looking for best connections with other souls, timelines, locations, genetic predispositions, character, and all aspects involved in developing a human life. (Or another type of life experience in other realms, planets, etc.). Many possibilities are considered.

You can imagine just how complex that planning phase is and how dependent it is upon a solid evaluation of the past lifetimes to develop a careful plan.

Eventually other beings are contacted and contracts for shared lessons and opportunities are discussed. Part of this discussion is biology, cultural situations, and personality issues. All of the things that you know of as astrology, numerology, physiology, genetics, and much more is considered.

Eventually, contracts, or covenants are developed with living and future living souls that consider the potential value for each participant. The probabilities for the first 18 to 20 years are planned and agreements are made. It will not work if all parties are not in agreement. At the soul level. How much conflict will there be? How many opportunities for growth will be available? Will it be a lifetime of joy and peace, or one of many challenges? It is all decided. With the knowledge that free will may change any aspect at any time for any of the participants. And that each being is expected to make determinations of actions and learning options throughout the lifetime.

Eventually, with much guidance and questioning, a grand plan is developed. A body is planned. Familial, cultural, and other aspects are carefully planned.

Then the new soul has the opportunity to walk with the new parents and family for a period of about two earth years to see how well the plan could work. This is on a higher consciousness level, not physical at this point. A lifetime is a very serious undertaking and the grace period to evaluation the overall plan and its individual components are tested and evaluated.

After all this, when the timing is right, names are selected, birth times and locations are selected, and the earth bodies are developed. The magic begins. And the guides are always on hand to help all beings involved in the process.

The soul does not stay in the new body all the time. It enters and exits on a regular basis, giving it time to adjust to the new situation and to observe from a detached position how the life formation is going.

Finally, the body is formed and born. The soul has the choice of whether to be in the body for the actual delivery or observe nearby. It is considered best to be actively in the body, but not required.

Guides are there for each being and are very active in supporting the process.

The newborn child still enters and exits the body at different times until it is ready to be stationary in the new person.

There are still options for everyone. The newly born child has the option of staying alive in that body or leaving it for the first two years. The longer the soul stays in the body, the greater the reason would need to be to leave it. But that choice is still there. This is often the cause for sudden infant earth syndrome. Or, perhaps the original agreement is only for a short time to begin with and part of the original plan. But the soul does have a time of opportunity for reconsideration.

As the soul is in the process of evaluating and planning, it is not necessary to be fully engrossed in the process at all times. The soul entity has the choice of how intense the process will be and how much free time or renewal time to take before returning to life. In fact, the soul is not required to return to life at all. It is choice. For only by choice can true growth continue.

And that is a brief description of life between lives and the beginning of a new life. Nothing about the process is random. It is carefully and purposefully planned and executed to provided healing and growth to the highest good of all concerned on all levels of being.

Life is spent and time has ended.
Time to seek understanding of all experiences and lessons.
Careful consideration it takes to find the glory and challenges not yet met.
The new cycle begins with planning and contracts to be made.
An entire life and being to be prepared.
The time to die, brings a time to be born.
The magic continues in a cycle of wonder and growth.
As long as the soul wishes to grow and learn, the cycle continues.
When it is right, the cycles are complete,
The soul returns to its true home to share,
And merge with the true God source.

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