Spiritual Mysteries

Hidden Messages In World Challenges

Question from Cheryl Francis: With all that the World is faced with right now, I feel there is a hidden message to the world as a collective … any insight on this?

My Response

How correct you are Cheryl. There is a much larger issue occurring in the world right now than either the COVID-19 or the Economy. It is a purposeful design to take over our lives in ways never before imagined on Planet Earth. The real war that is occurring right now is the behind the scenes takeover of the world by very evil beings, designed to destroy our civilizations and lives.

I shall address some of the history, reasons and our choices.

Be aware, that this message turned out to be rather long, far-fetched and perhaps challenging to digest. Yet it is the truth as I know it, and have known it for decades. It just seems that now I just put myself at risk of looking even more like a “kook” than I already am as I share this information. (What a wild way to start my Blog!) Ah well. If it is time for the truth to emerge, I am willing to be the vessel and the target for skeptics. So be it.

History & A Little More

I begin with a little history bird-walking to explain the origin of a considerable amount of the cruelty and corruption we now face before directly answering your question.

Our current situation reminds me of the war early in Earth’s history, in the Pleiades system when the outside invaders completely took over four of the five planets of the Pleiades.

There was a tremendous war, similar to how science fiction movies such as “War of the Worlds,” “Independence Day” and others depict. Civilization as they knew it was destroyed, leaders were slaughtered, and dissenters were publicly tortured and massacred. Structures and lands were destroyed to make way for the needs of the invaders.

Fortunately, those of us working with the Black Dragons were able to rescue many souls and transport them to the Earth for safety. Much of what we learned from those invited immigrants about the desires for freedoms, independence, self-sufficiency, the value of life, and many other foundations for civilized society were seeded through their wisdom and experience.

Unfortunately, there were a few from that same invading force who came with them to corrupt our own planet. These dark seeds have corrupted humanity in various ways ever since. Think about the Genghis Khan, Vlad the Impaler, Romans, Greeks, Caligula, Pol Pot, Hitler, radical Persian influences, and the like. Times when cruel, self-serving, power-hungry beings manifested armies of destruction to serve their own greed. As I understand it, the dark beings and their progeny that snuck onto our planet are the true danger of history and today. The tyrants dancing in the darkness as they lead the world to create complete and total, word wide anarchy are either descendants or proteges of these evil beings. This is where we must truly “look to the past to predict the future.” The issue is that we do not look back far enough to understand the magnitude of what we face.

Our Planet Is In Danger

Our entire planet is in danger; but in ways very few recognize. 

An important danger that connects directly to how the Pleiades system was conquered is the truth that there is a long-standing war between competing alien worlds over who owns and controls our planet. It has raged for millennia upon millennia. For decades I have “seen” opposing fleets of ships beyond the range of our telescopes vying to control our planet, our beings, and our resources. There are gloriously benevolent beings who wish to protect and support our planet. Three very different types of beings are out there at war over our planet. There are beings who would rape and destroy our planet for its resources, even change the climate to suit their colonization. And there are those that thrive on negative energies such as hate, fear, and violence.

We have faced constant incursions from each of these races throughout time.

Danger From Within And Without For The Resources Our Planet Holds

Black Dragons

Our planet was created as a library and storehouse of precious materials and information gathered from many galaxies. What we have is unique and precious in all of creation. As a collaborative project, it was very carefully planned and executed to hold the most precious treasures from throughout creation in one location. Yet like anything precious, evil and greedy beings covet what we have.

The battle between positive and negative will likely be quite brutal. Intrusions of evil influences as well as the profoundly positive beings are with us. We are in the midst of that upheaval. It is real. The pandemic and economical crises are simply tools used by evil beings to control and destroy us as necessary.

As a guardian and warrior for our planet from its inception (within the spiritual planes), it is clear to me that we are on a fine razor’s edge of deciding the future we experience. As a collective of souls, we can decide whether to lose ourselves as we plunge into the darkness of control and despair. Or we can choose to be warriors of the light and regain control of our lives, freedoms, joys, and abundance. It is a critical point at which there are so many warriors on both sides that we must decide our fate and our individual roles in creating that outcome. What do YOU want the world to become? What are YOU willing to do to activate you vision and hopes for yourselves, your families, your societies? We must go one direction or another. I choose to fight for, and teach about, the light of love, self-accountability, courage, and the light of God (by whatever name you shall recognize that being) to fill our world and its beings.

Some of you know that I am also a political advocate for freedoms and release from tyranny in our societies. I have studied proclamations of complete world-wide anarchy, scientific means of subjugating our people and the environment, psychological and chemical control and many other deviant means of harming us all. I fight against these threats in many ways in both the mundane and esoteric realms. It is my job, my covenant, and I take it seriously. And I have long studied the impact and interactions of alien influences in our world, both positive and negative. I
have found and studied many pieces to this jigsaw puzzle of looming danger, and have agreed to spread the information in any way possible while I work to protect the people, the planet and all of its beings.

As a result of this war, I do believe that there will be a planet-wide awakening of enough souls to bring about a truly magnificent transformation. What we are experiencing now is what NOT to do and the chaos it brings. We often must experience the pain of poor decisions (like touching a hot stove and discovering that it burns and causes pain) before learning to protect ourselves and live in the light of positive energies.

We shall experience the extent of extra-normal energies and the true magic in our world. Soon experiences will unfold that demonstrate many miraculous events which force people to reconsider their belief systems. There will be clear cut evidence of our world’s interactions with alien beings, their technology, and much more.  We simply must invite the correct beings to support us.

A Prayer

I end with a prayer for us all.


Prepare for what lies ahead.
               Remember that you made this soul choice.
               You felt ready for new growth opportunities.
               The choices of action are upon you, and will accelerate.

Connect with your purpose. 
               Bring forth your high wisdom being.

You are, at last, ready and willing. 
               You remember. 
                              You act. 
                                             You are. 
               Be you in all of your glory.

Let your soul’s highest essence manifest through you and with you. 
               BE yourself.
               Move into the light with grace, dignity and courage.

Blessed Be!

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6 thoughts on “Hidden Messages In World Challenges”

  1. Thank you for this answer. It is kinda what I was thinking, believing and knowing. It is time, truly time for all to unite in Love, Light and peace. As a dedicated Lightworker I will do my best to increase our Worlds light. 💫💫

  2. That was the most succinct summary of world history I've ever read. Bravo!
    Victory of the Light is in sight!!!

  3. whoah this blog is wonderful i love studying your articles.
    Keep up the great work! You recognize, a lot of persons are hunting round for this info, you could help them greatly.

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