8th dimension

The Magic of the 8th Dimension

Question from Julie Ann Guthrie-Smulson: What is your experience with the 8th dimension?

My Response


Personally, I have a great deal of interaction with the 8th dimension, and have had such throughout all my lives on planet Earth. Like so many other intuitive and gifted people, my connection to the magical realms is very strong and important in my life.

We co-exist with other dimensions at all times, though few people are aware of it.

The 8th dimension is where all of the magical beings and mystical energies went when the planet had a split between its fundamental energies during what we today call the “Dark Ages.” The stories of unicorns, magic, fairies, and all other magical creatures stem from true beings and true powers. Mythology of today is based on the truth of the past.

The Beauty of Inter-dimensional Contact

When I was young, I know that I could stand in both the 3rd and 8th dimensions to play with the special animals and enjoy the beautiful environment.

Years ago, I was privileged to see the Phoenix awaken and fly about then return to its nest. It brought physical winds through the hills that everyone noticed yet did not understand the source. There have been many other magical beings with whom I’ve interacted in this lifetime, some who I have known in other lifetimes as well.

It is quite magnificent. I also know that I use the conduit through the 8th dimension (and others) for my psychic and spiritual work.

The Magic Left Our 3rd Dimension

Much of the magic in the world was frowned upon by ecumenical and secular powers, and people were at risk when they called upon the natural energies of mother Earth, Gaia. Magicians became heathens. Witches (white and dark alike) who had been the healers and spiritual wisdom sources of the world were hunted and killed. The unicorns were hunted and killed for the magic of their horns. Many atrocities were carried out against magic itself and those who would use it. Those with the gift of “sight” were called demonic. Healers using natural or mystical techniques were imprisoned or killed because only the new Church could call upon God for divine intervention. It was the same for all forms of magic and magical beings. It was a horrible time filled with cruelty, hatred, greed, and fear.

Those of us who work with the Earth’s soul, known to us as Maa, realized that these beautiful beings and magical powers must be preserved and protected. We gathered together with Maa and representatives from many of the magical beings to decide a course of action. It was considered urgent and essential to find a solution.

The Creation of the 8th Dimension

8th Dimension Shift

The solution was to split the esoteric, magical, mystical energies into a separate dimension that would be hidden from the mundane world. The beings would be safe, and the magic would be protected. The only restriction would be that it could only be populated by positive energies. Demonic or evil beings have no access. They were already relegated to a lower realm.

It Is Accessible

For those of us with inter-dimensional connections, the magical beings and energies of the 8th dimension are accessible. We can see, hear, touch, smell, and interact across the dimensions according to our own talents and desires.

Sometimes people with evil intent can cross through to that dimension and misuse the energies or try to cause harm to the magical beings. Yet their connections are very limited. Those evil beings are much more likely to pull the negative energies from the lower realms, the Hell realms.

I am so grateful that we decided to save that magical energy by separating it from the mundane world and manifesting such a beautiful place for them to exist.

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