Master Intuitive (Psychic) Psychological Counselor Medical Intuitive Author Holistic Practitioner Exorcist Cult Rescuer Educator Medicine Woman Philosopher

Psychic House Parties

Host a gathering for a Psychic House Party! You can choose to have me provide psychic readings, past life readings, dream interpretation, or even energy work. You act as host, gather at least six people, set up the times and I will come to you for an interesting party.
This is a great opportunity to try something new and have time to visit with people you like.

If you have questions about, or are seeking other services, please contact me at or +1 (530) 713-4857. We can discuss our options. There may also be something else I can offer that is not listed.

Host a party and receive a gift from Laverne. Everyone has fun and gains new understanding.

Have fun with friends and gain insights by hosting an
Intuitive House Party!

Fun with friends! Try something different! Gain insights through personal sessions at your location. If you wish, you can even have a short introduction and presentation before private sessions begin.

Set up insightful and entertaining sessions for you and your guests in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. (You, as the host, receive a FREE session)

Psychic Party

Quick Links:

Try Something Different: Intuitive House Parties

Psychic Party

Benefit to the House Party Host! 

The Host receives a FREE session as a thank you, which is usually allotted a little more time than the other guests.

Have fun with friends and gain insights by having your own Psychic House Party!

Multiple Services Are Available In A House Party Setting:

Master Intuitive Counseling, Psychic Readings, Medical Intuitive Recommendations, Spiritual Consultation, Holistic Body Work (ESI), Past Life Readings, Dream Readings. Or you can even make special requests and I will do what I can to meet your requests.

Try something different! An Intuitive House Party is a fun and unique way to get together with friends while gaining advice and guidance for life. You, as the host, will receive compliments for months afterwards.

I can travel to your home or location of choice to provide insightful and entertaining sessions for you and your guests in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

The individual sessions average about 20 minutes per person. Fees vary for individual parties. When we do determine fees, please have your guests prepay as a courtesy to both you and me. When people prepay they have made a commitment and are more likely to attend. And it takes the burden off of you as the host to try to collect during the party itself. You will know how many people to plan for and know that you won't have to try to chase down anyone for payment.

When I travel more than 10 miles to your event, there will be surcharges for gas and any other necessary (and reasonable) expenses. It is up to the Host to determine how to cover the additional fees; usually by increasing the cost per person so that everyone shares the costs.

If you wish, I will will conduct a short introduction and questions in the round before the private sessions begin.

Information for the Party Host

The Host is expected to book a minimum of 10 guests in addition to herself/himself.

If you wish, I can provide a short presentation on a topic of your choice before beginning the sessions.

If you hare hosting a group reading event, be sure everyone knows when to arrive and plans to stay through the entire event. People coming and going are disruptive to the group experience and the energetic flow.

For a series of private session, although you may choose to have people stay as long as you wish as your guests, you are responsible for booking specific times for guests to keep the flow going. It is recommended to overbook, as life always happens and someone will be unable to attend. Please provide a private room for the readings, with space for to Laverne to work in. Privacy and confidentiality are essential considerations.

A few snacks and beverages would be nice. Some people turn it into a pot-luck gathering for the fun of it.

Psychic Party

Benefit to the House Party Host! 

The Host receives a FREE session as a thank you, which is usually allotted a little more time than the other guests.

Have fun with friends and gain insights by having your own Psychic House Party!

Multiple Services Are Available In A House Party Setting:

Master Intuitive Counseling, Psychic Readings, Medical Intuitive Recommendations, Spiritual Consultation, Holistic Body Work (ESI), Past Life Readings, Dream Readings. Or you can even make special requests and I will do what I can to meet your requests.

Try something different! An Intuitive House Party is a fun and unique way to get together with friends while gaining advice and guidance for life. You, as the host, will receive compliments for months afterwards.

I can travel to your home or location of choice to provide insightful and entertaining sessions for you and your guests in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

The individual sessions average about 20 minutes per person. Fees vary for individual parties. When we do determine fees, please have your guests prepay as a courtesy to both you and me. When people prepay they have made a commitment and are more likely to attend. And it takes the burden off of you as the host to try to collect during the party itself. You will know how many people to plan for and know that you won't have to try to chase down anyone for payment.

When I travel more than 10 miles to your event, there will be surcharges for gas and any other necessary (and reasonable) expenses. It is up to the Host to determine how to cover the additional fees; usually by increasing the cost per person so that everyone shares the costs.

If you wish, I will will conduct a short introduction and questions in the round before the private sessions begin.

Information for the Party Host

The Host is expected to book a minimum of 10 guests in addition to herself/himself.

If you wish, I can provide a short presentation on a topic of your choice before beginning the sessions.

If you hare hosting a group reading event, be sure everyone knows when to arrive and plans to stay through the entire event. People coming and going are disruptive to the group experience and the energetic flow.

For a series of private session, although you may choose to have people stay as long as you wish as your guests, you are responsible for booking specific times for guests to keep the flow going. It is recommended to overbook, as life always happens and someone will be unable to attend. Please provide a private room for the readings, with space for to Laverne to work in. Privacy and confidentiality are essential considerations.

A few snacks and beverages would be nice. Some people turn it into a pot-luck gathering for the fun of it.

Schedule Your Session

Good Faith Deposit Necessary Prior to Session. Remainder to be paid following our session.

Give a Gift Certificate!

Be someone’s hero! Imagine how happy and grateful someone you know would be with a Gift Certificate for my services! You can either make the choice of what you want it to be, or let that special someone be the one pick the type of service.

This is a Great Time to Contact Me to purchase a Gift Certificate!

Send me a comment about what interests you and I will make an effort to write an article or put together training for you.

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