Master Intuitive Advisor Psychic Medical Intuitive Author Holistic Practitioner Personal Consultant Master Intuitive Advisor Exorcist Cult Rescuer Educator Medicine Woman Philosopher
Dr. Laverne E. Denyer
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With someone on your side: You can DARE to DREAM BIG! Take life from Good to GREAT! Achieve Success & Joy!
Learn more about Laverne:
A Master Intuitive Advisor & Counselor tends to offer you more than other coaches, consultants or psychics you may have known. You get solid, practical advice balanced with intuitive/psychic insights. I provide a broad set of services that work together to help you create joy on all levels of being. Each session is unique to serve your current needs and desires. I love what I do and celebrate the profound results my clients achieve.
It would be my pleasure to work with you. It is my promise that I will be honest about what I see, and provide you feedback in the most productive and positive manner possible.
I touch the sky with my feet on the ground.
By so doing, I learn who I am.
- My Personal Motto
Master Intuitive Advisor
& Psychological Counselor
Who IS Laverne E. Denyer?
Confidentiality is assured at all times!
While Here,
Visit My Blog
Consider The Possibilities:
I am here to help you.
Consider some of these ideas to see if we are a good fit to work together.
- Are you lonely and looking for a healthy relationship or simply need to fix a toxic relationship?
- Are you wondering what future your job will bring? Is that affecting your relationships with a partner and yourself?
- How well do you know who you are and how to live your life’s goals?
- Are you seeking to enrich your spiritual life and wisdom?
- Discover YOUR hidden opportunities for love and companionship.
- Learn ways to reduce your STRESS about your career and financial security.
- Create love, joy and success in your life to become the BEST YOU possible.
- Continue your spiritual growth.
- Psychic readings and intuitive counseling
- Life and spiritual coaching
- Gain your best outcomes in life come through information and wisdom.
- What makes me think I can be any more helpful to you than other people you have consulted?
- What can a psychic do for you that a close friend or psychologist can’t?
- Pull forth information from the energies of your past, present, and future to provide helpful insights. Key points of connections and awareness can you bring peace and confidence.
- Overcome feelings of being out of options, and doomed to a life of loneliness or financial insecurity. I can reveal information and actions to reveal unexpected positive outcomes.
- Gain validation of all your struggles, and confirmation that your actions are in line with your life’s purpose.
- Understand your approach to life and the possibilities you have available. Clearly understand yourself, your goals, and your emotional outlook on life enough to make good choices about relationships and finances.
- Consider tough decisions you’ve made and link those lessons to future opportunities
- As you gain insights and commit to change, I will be there to help you grow.
My entire career is built upon a high ethical code and a sense of responsibility to serve the highest good for all concerned.
- A woman who had five years of therapy and relationship classes was desperate for love. I helped her redefine her idea of love. Four months later she married a wonderful man who was her perfect match.
- Another woman was insecure in her career. After our work together, she sent me a note saying “All that we talked about is coming true. I am having a stress-free time!”
- Another note I received: “You have been there for me. You have helped me to see things I never would have. Thank you.”
The process works! Let it work for you.
Contact Me. Let’s Chat!
"Born into a world different from everyone around me, I have had many experiences far beyond the norm."
My soul calling is to be a Warrior Priest. I work to help people build healthy lives and follow their soul’s purpose through a variety of modalities. At the same time, I am a protector and guardian of the planet and its inhabitants. All of this while living a life as a wife, a mom, and many other roles in the mundane world.
My world is filled with sights, sounds, scents, sensations, feelings and thoughts that are different from those of most people. Until I was at least six years old, I didn't realize that I was different. When family and friends seemed both frightened and intrigued by my stories about dead relatives visiting me, about flying around the world when I slept every night, and accurately predicting future events, I began to realize how different my world really is. By the time I was 12, I was a serious student of all things spiritual and metaphysical. I am still different; still studying and learning.
Work With Me
Visit My Blog
"Working in my spiritual world leads me through many experiences."
I research and practice an eclectic form of therapeutic body work. It is an important part of my life and my being. I have discovered many new (or remembered?) bits of information about ways in which we live in this world and how our body systems work. My studies about the Living Energy System, Reincarnation, Other Life Explorations, Meditation, and other spiritual modalities play large roles in my life and my work. Degrees in psychology and religious studies simply enhance my spiritual world.
An inner drive to create a clearer, deeper connection with my spiritual self has driven me as long as I can remember.
In my time on this planet, in this incarnation, I have had opportunities for a wide variety of experiences. They have all been important and rewarding. I wouldn't be who I am today, after all, without them. As for where I'm going, you can bet that "I ain't done yet!" I keep wondering who/what I will be tomorrow, and the day after that ...
My true spirit name

In the mundane world...
Learning and applying what is learned through multiple modalities is the continual pattern of my life.
Education Highlights
PhD in Religious Studies
University of Metaphysics, and Universal Life
Psychological Counselor & Reverend
Universal Life Church
M.A. double Majors in Curriculum & Instruction, & Educational Technology
California State University, Sacramento -- iMET Program Founder
Tier 1 Educational Leadership
California State University, Sacramento -- Tier 1 (Administrative Credential)
B.A. double Majors in Psychology and Religious Studies, with Minor in Philosophy
California State University, Chico
Technology Associate Degree in Drafting
California Academy of Drafting
Techniques of Teaching
University of California, Davis -- (teaching credential program for the Ryan Act)
Many other miscellaneous educational experiences
Multiple Teaching and Administration Credentials
(Not too bad for someone who was originally a high school dropout)
Some of the Organizations With Which I Have Been, or Am Currently Involved
My Mundane World
In the mundane world, I’m an educator, involved in politics, a technology junkie, a counselor, a lecturer, a business woman and several other things. My formal degrees are in Psychology, Religious Study, Philosophy, Education, Technology, Administration, and Drafting.
I’ve been lucky to have been the wife of a good man for many years. And I’ve been honored to be mom of terrific grown daughters - and grandma to two lovely granddaughters. These people have supported and enabled my life in many ways. For these connections I am especially grateful.

I have been writing and drawing as long as I can remember. My work ranges from technical manuals for public education, through metaphysical how-to materials, to spiritual exposition, and poetry. Adding to that, I’m an avid bookaholic. There’s hardly room in my office for me around my books and computer equipment.
Living in this incarnated personality, I have had opportunities for a wide variety of experiences. They have all been important and rewarding. As stated above, I wouldn’t be who I am today, after all, without them. As for where I’m going, you can bet that "I ain’t done yet." I keep wondering who/what I’ll be tomorrow, and the day after that . . .

My Spiritual Life
My spiritual work is who I am at the highest and deepest levels of my being. I may be other things in the mundane world, but my true essence is my spiritual belief and action. If you have read my material about Gaia and the Shin Maa, then perhaps you gained an understanding of who I am on a deeper level. If not, perhaps reading it would provide helpful insights. Reading Blue Fire Forming will provide even more insights, as this is a tale about my growing up being “different” in a world that was challenged by my vision of it. The Blue Fire story was written at least twenty years ago as a way to explain my early years of wonder and learning.
My earliest memories remind me of how connected I have always been to both the planet and the spiritual realms. I rely upon these connections to keep me whole and alive. I use a part of the immense Tao/God force at my command to help myself and those who seek my aid. I use it carefully and respectfully. The idea of "Can I? Should I? May I?" is uppermost in my decisions and actions. My ethical foundations are built upon these questions plus the rule that "If it harms none, do as you wish." Recognizing that harming none includes myself, is quite a challenge. I endeavor to live by these inspiring words.
Within the spiritual realms, I am both a priest (the one word to encompass both the masculine and the feminine aspects of this work) and a warrior. I am a medicine woman. It is my task to be a guide and a leader as well as a protector. Although I much prefer time spent as a mentor and teacher, I am quite capable and willing to take on repelling negative forces to protect the highest good at all times for all concerned. Many times I have been called upon in this capacity. With the help of my higher wisdom, my personal guidance team, God, and my deep commitment to my agreements, I have managed to prevail. I am still here doing my work. For this I am grateful.
I get to play with energies in many forms. My energetic body work teaches me so much that it is a joy to work with people. I learn, I teach. I learn more. I give my clients opportunities to grow and choose healthy ways of living. Through this, I gain even more wisdom to share with others.
My writing is a reflection of what I learn through all of these modalities. I combine my traditional educational background with my non-traditional learning opportunities in a mix of intuition, common sense, and intellect. It is great fun to stand in two worlds (material and esoteric) and do my work from that balanced perspective. It is the basis for my personal motto: I touch the stars with my feet on the ground.
A continual inner drive for a clearer, deeper connection with my spiritual self has driven me as long as I can remember. About 1975, I began working with Automatic Writing. It seemed natural to combine spirituality with my desire to write. My challenges was that the handwriting was so illegible (with spirit speaking through me so quickly) nobody could decipher it once I was done, even me. I had the inner guidance, but no usable record. Then, about 1989, I discovered that I could do the same thing much more effectively on the computer. I could actually read what was said! My life changed. I have been regularly sitting in communion with my higher wisdom and guidance ever since.
At this point in my life, I know who I am, what many of my soul tasks are, much about what I still want to learn, and how I fit into this wonderful world. What a joy! And what a challenge! I love it.
Visit my Amazon Author’s Page to See My List of Publications

Send me a comment about what interests you and I will make an effort to write an article or put together training for you.