Master Intuitive Adviser
Earth's Creation Story

Laverne E. Denyer
The body had died, going nova in a beautiful display of fire and energy, releasing its soul from the tired body so long inhabited. The soul had taken a long, and well-deserved rest. Now it was time to prepare for the next incarnation. The soul named Maa was ready for rebirth into a new and lovely body. So, it came to the Shin. (There is a video of this story at the bottom of this page)
Shin are the angelic order of souls who help create, monitor and support planetary bodies within the Macrocosmos (“everything there is”). Maa is a planetary soul, ready for a new body. A group of beings would now be assigned the task of spinning a material body for this soul’s next life, and staying with it throughout that lifetime. We Shin would become the co-creators, guardians and teachers of the souls sharing a space and time adventure with the Maa entity. In this case, Maa was assigned twelve Shin. Once we agreed, we added the soul’s name to ours, becoming the Shin Maa. This would be our designation and our task for the lifetime of the new planet-body. We would now be a team of thirteen (13) soul partners; twelve Shin and Maa.
This is a story of many, as told by one: me. I am one of the Shin Maa, and speak of these things as part of my own far memory. For, you see, I am a part of the birth and rebirth cycle of the planet and have been with this planetary soul since Maa’s original request for a new body. I, like my fellow Shin, agreed to live with, work with, and reincarnate with the planetary soul throughout this lifetime. This is our responsibility, our challenge and or joy. We share our destinies and our duties with Maa. This is OUR story, as well as YOUR story.
We began by seeking permission. We all work under the guidance and awareness of the higher power, Tao/God, at all times. This one power really is the original source and guiding authority of all that is, was, or ever will be, far beyond any planetary system. Think of this force in a scientific model, think of it in a spiritual model, or some combination, it is your choice. It all comes back to that one unifying and creative force/consciousness. There is an underlying and over-arching force within the Macrocosmos. This universal, all-encompassing power of love, wisdom, creation, order and destruction is the source of all that we are and do. It is only through the auspices of the Tao/God power that these things are possible.
So we sought and gained permission to create a new planetary life system for Maa. Part of this permission was access to the great creative force necessary to spin a new world and new lifetimes. We became the emissaries and wielders of the God force in our joint endeavor.
The soul’s choice was to be female. There would be a balance of male and female energies throughout her system, but the overall force would be female. She chose the name Gaia. She knew that her inhabitants would have many other names for her, but her true name for this lifetime would be Gaia. The soul name, Maa, is eternal and the soul carries this name always. But like all other souls, the creation of a new life and a new body brings a new identity. Now SHE is GAIA. And we would call her new planet body Earth.
Many decisions were made as we helped her plan her new body. We planned the structure and the process of development very carefully. Since these associations would be long-standing and fixed in proximity, the selection of a planet’s family is very important, and is carefully considered.
First, we selected a location within the Macrocosmos. Her new family would consist of a father figure called Sol, the single primary star of her solar system. She was to be the fourth born into her new family. That family would eventually include sister/brother planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. They would all reside within the larger community, referred to as a galaxy, called the Milky Way.
It was decided that her body would hold samples of life forms and materials from many other planets and galaxies. Gaia would become a library and central repository of knowledge for other universes and soul clusters. This would also allow her to become a laboratory and school of sorts for a series of evolving experimental life forms and minerals. Although onerous and challenging, this was seen as an exciting adventure that Maa/Gaia gladly accepted.
The cell body souls that would join us would all have bodies structured in complimentary patterns designed to work with the Gaia body. Each body pattern would differ, yet carry enough similarity to be a viable part of the greater body of this new planet. Each individual, or self, would be a single cell within the larger system: a cell body. Since this was to be an evolving system, a process was developed where any new proposals must go through the committee of Gaia and the Shin Maa. As a result, the beings of the Shin Maa must agree to stay with Gaia throughout her entire lifetime, experiencing their own reincarnations with her. This we have done.
Once the location and family were selected, and we were granted access to the Tao/God power, we began the creation process.
We sent out a call for souls that were ready to be reincarnated, and who wanted to be part of this creation process. Twenty responded. They were taken into the fold as cell bodies for the planet. Between Gaia, the Shin Maa, and the new cell body souls, we were an original soul group of thirty-three (33). The Shin Maa were separate in some parts of our awareness, yet full participants in the grand experiment.
Stage 1: We all were birthed into a gaseous cloud of pure life, a type of cosmic soup. The original soul beings were purely gaseous, with consciousness and no solid form. The amorphous, shifting energies could easily interact and be connected with our higher wisdom. These were our soul bodies made manifest into consciousness, or minds. We lived in this state long enough to get to know one another and grow comfortable with what we were about to experience.
Stage 2: We realized that the schooling and testing of souls we sought would depend upon a greater distance from our natural wisdom of the Tao/God awareness. So the soul group requested more density of form. We obliged by using the ethereal energies to spin their gaseous energies into fluid form. For a very long time, that fluidic form served all very well. All beings were still connected, yet the denser energies enabled us to experience life (growth) on a more basic level. Their learning experiences began to have effect. When the soul collective felt it had experienced all it could in that form, it once more turned to us for help.
Stage 3: To create denser learning vehicles (bodies), we next spun a mineral body for the Gaia/Maa soul. We also spun energy bodies for the cell bodies (the newly incarnated souls) into pure crystalline, physical mass. For the first time, we were somewhat separated by this crystalline form. No longer amorphous, or fully experiencing shared space, we now had some definition of self, some separation. Since the material form needed substance and other physical forms to interact with, we spun a basic environment. We all lived and learned in our energy bodies, a part of what we now recognize as subtle bodies.
Stage 4: In time, we spun denser physical forms, or bodies, to house our souls. We were pleased with our new flesh and blood bodies. In these new forms were many new opportunities for growth, along with new forms of wisdom, and new experiences, to explore. The bodies were living, physical partners that housed our souls. We all lived in partnerships of spiritual, cognitive, and physical bodies. The learning quest was accelerated.
Stage 5: Later, to support these denser physical forms, we spun other material forms. We spun a body for Gaia.
We first spun a set of powerful crystals for Gaia. The first was a set of twin hexagonal crystals, joined at right angles in the center. These were iron/carbon crystals set to spin in an elliptical rotational pattern. We set a third, purely energetic crystal on a perpendicular plane to the two physical crystals to help balance the rotation, and continue the triune pattern so far existent (Gaia, Shin Maa, Cell Bodies). Then we created a set of elongated crystals and placed them with their longest and narrowest points facing inward, around the outer edge of the twin crystals. From there, they radiated outward, creating a spherical pattern. Each Shin Maa created twelve primary crystals. That resulted in 144 primary crystals of different frequencies, in addition to the original inner crystals. These crystals generated a powerful energetic spherical force that was a beginning of Gaia’s physical body. These combined forces were the beginning of the electro-magnetic forces present within Earth today. These forces interacted with the individual crystalline bodies created in the earlier stage. We filled the spaces between the crystals with a mineral substance, organized in striated layers. We left atmospheric pockets within some of the outer layers for future use by the planet and her cell bodies.
Then we created a set of additional body layers beyond the physical Earth body that decreased in density as they progressed outward. We charged these layers with different energy properties, including the primary mineral required by the soul bodies, oxygen. This became the atmosphere for the planet.
The planet body was formed: Earth.
At the same time, we spun bodies for each of the souls that incarnated with the planet. We developed bodies also composed of thirteen layers of material and ethereal bodies for each soul. Now the cell bodies of the Earth also had physical and energetic bodies of their own.
The new patterns were set with thirteen layers of energetic and material patterns for Gaia and her soul partners. We were satisfied to work together to discover the challenges and successes of this new environment. All were content . . . for a long time.
Stage 6: Eventually, the bodies of these soul beings evolved again. They began to need a substance beyond the energetic properties provided by the earth. It was time to add new life forms to the system. Again we used our access to that Tao/God creative force as we created plants and animals, and expanded the material environment. This was a long, well-considered process that took advantage of the law of evolution. All thirty-three souls had input and helped make determinations. But it was up to the Shin Maa, with Gaia’s oversight, to complete the tasks and populate the planet with these new beings.
Stage 7: After a long time, the cell-body beings of the Gaia soul system desired another, more challenging, opportunity. We wanted to test and learn more from our host bodies. We wanted to explore the Gaia/Earth environment, yet we still had a strong and ready connection to our wisdom core, or soul. At that time, the cell body souls returned to the Shin Maa for counsel.
These early souls felt that they could learn more from each other and their environment if they could only set aside large segments of their soul wisdom connection. We all pondered the possibilities. Eventually, the decision was made. A set of energetic crystalline forces was implanted into each physical body. The crystalline forms, called Impedance Crystals, were designed and set in place to block the individuals’ natural connection with his/her soul, or natural, wisdom. A final design for spiritual beings to travel upon the planet’s body with vulnerability and opportunity to learn was created.
Through the nature of dense crystalline/fluid physical bodies with the crystalline implants, we were now challenged to live, experience and grow in relative ignorance. Without the aid of a full wisdom connection, we would constantly test ourselves to discover our vulnerabilities and our strengths. Through our separation, we could learn and mature. It is an intensely powerful and challenging form.
Stage 8: The system was set. It had progressed through seven creation stages and was determined to be fully developed. We implanted a system of evolution that would provide subtle changes within the soul bodies, and all systems of the Earth, but the overall system would remain stable. We were content and stayed in this stage for a long time. After all of our hard work, we took a rest and enjoyed the fruits of our labors.
Stage 9: Eventually, with the system fully developed, and Gaia’s body fully manifest, we realized it was time to enlarge the population. Eventually, souls from other dimensions, times and locations were invited to populate the new plant and animal bodies. Procreation evolved, and more soul bodies took up residency upon the earth. Many souls came to share the planet with Gaia. The opportunities for learning and testing multiplied exponentially. Many bodies and souls continue to share this experience in their reincarnation cycle. Only the original thirteen, Gaia and the Shin Maa, are bound to stay in this planetary system. Others move about as needed for their own personal growth.
And beyond: The structures and mental/emotional components of Gaia’s cell bodies are still evolving. Sometimes they change dramatically, or are influenced by beings from other planet bodies. Sometimes it is part of Gaia’s own evolutionary process that manifests such powerful change. Gaia supports us in this separation partnership by providing us space and energy to live our lives. We are still experiencing new stages of evolution and growth as a connected planetary system. Her growth and life experience comes, as planned, through our interactions.
The Shin Maa are still part of the system, while we reincarnate and work on our own soul lessons, but we are still somewhat separated. We stay connected to our initial agreements and work as guardians and teachers for the other soul bodies of the planet.
And that is the story of how the planet known as Earth was born and evolved.
Postscript: Each of the following numbers has significance in the energy pattern of the Earth, as shown in this fable.
· You can see that the number thirteen (13) is an important number for the planet. Many societies are afraid of this number, counting it as something bad. But in reality, it refers to a unity of forces that causes a strong creative force. Many people are unable to understand or manage this strong force, so they fear it. That is where the idea of unlucky number 13 comes from.
· When the number thirteen (13) is added together (1 plus 3), it results in four (4), which is ‘earth’ or stabilizing, material, foundation, solid, etc.
· When further combined into a whole entity, the overall life force of the planetary system, you have a total of fourteen (14) bodies (13 parts plus 1 whole). This creates a Unified Being (Planet, and Human). The total of the two numbers (1 + 4) equals five (5), which is the number for creativity & change. One (1) is the initial force, leadership, origins; while four (4) is the foundation, solid, dependable.
· The number one (1) is important, as it relates to the one planetary soul, experiencing a lifetime: Maa, or Gaia.
· The number twelve (12) is important, as it relates to the number of Shin Maa who are creators, guardians and teachers for the planet and her cell bodies. Adding the two numbers together (1 + 2) results in three (3), the original creative force of the Tao/God force.
· The number thirty-three (33) is important because it relates to the number of original souls when the body and lifetime was birthed for Maa/Gaia.
· The number of original 144 crystals adds up to nine (9). This is a number of spiritual growth and attainment. It is also a number of leadership; and for the original nine stages of development of the planet. The original goal of this planetary system was to provide a school for the souls. It was to provide opportunities for testing and growth. When added to the original twin crystals, the number 146 is reached, which adds up to eleven (11). Eleven is a master number, yet a number of continuous challenges leading toward higher awareness. It is very appropriate for this planet and its purpose. Then, finally, when the ethereal crystal is added, it becomes 147. That adds up to twelve (12) for the original number of the Shin and the balance of three (1 + 2) as the creative force of the universe.
· You can see that the patterns were carefully planned and executed to provide the greatest opportunities for joy and growth. It is a powerful (power-filled) and empowering system for all.
We are so blessed to be partners with this beautiful planetary soul along with the protection and guidance of God’s Archangel, Jesus.

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