Master Intuitive (Psychic) Psychological Counselor Medical Intuitive Author Holistic Practitioner Exorcist Cult Rescuer Educator Medicine Woman Philosopher

Calling All Earth Angels and Healers

A collection of inspirational stories about self-discovery through a calling to be of service to others

How Spirit Calls to Those of Us Who Answer the Calling to Share Our Gifts With Others

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Calling All Earth Angels & Healers

A Co-Authored Anthology

Join Dr G and the other co-authors on a journey of self-discovery.
We are all guided to find our “Calling” in life. Dr G, along with her co-authors who are compiled in this book, give you their experience and insight into how they found their “Calling”.
We are from all walks of life and in Calling All Earth Angels and Healers, you are given permission through inspirational stories to honor your own “Calling”. Here are just a few Callings that people do not recognize how they are an earth angel or healer… plumber, hairdresser, mechanic, chiropractor, artist, stay-at-home parent.
We each find our passion it is not always professionally, it can be existing in your personal life and possibly in both professional and work environments.
This is a great book for understanding who you are, for finding your way, or for acknowledging your “Calling” in life and to read and then share your story with others.
Co-authors: Geri Magee, Ph.D., Karamjeet Kaur, Orsika Julia, Samantha Forster, Isabella Rose, Amanda Thomas, Kathryn Cartwright, Ladonna Nelson, Camille Amos, Munira Zahabi, Margarita Amrita, Yuriy Khomyakov, Carolyn Osborne, Riana Arendse, Melissa Padilla, Karen Tants, Sundi Sturgeon, Elsbeth Shields and Laverne Denyer.

Written by an international gathering of souls.
Compiled by Geri Magee, Ph.D.


eBook and Paperback editions

The Cover & Table of Contents of This Book

Calling Earth Angels Back Cover

A Few Samples of What You Will Find In The Book

Here is my tease: These are excerpts from some of the chapters in the book.

Blue Fire Forming

-by Laverne E. Denyer

She is a child of the blue flame.  Her life begins with the flame; with blue fire swirling, flowing.  The God-force gathers itself to animate a small lump of clay, a girl-child.  God sends forth a beacon of power burning bright.  The newly created personality survives and grows.

The girl-child is active and adventurous.  She is mischief incarnate.  The remembered knowledge of other earthly visits is reflected in her eyes.  Strange expressions cross her face, expressions of wisdom unusual for a child.   The wisdom… the awareness… is disconcert­ing.  They watch her with a discerning eye.

The adults in her life are mystified.  Just what is it about this effervescent bundle of energy that captivates and frightens?  Is it the fact that she seems to know so much more than a child of five?  Or is it that she is always there when something unusual happens?  What is it? 

Rarely stationary, generally noisy, always inquisitive and down-ri­ght stubborn; she is already an enigma.  What does the future hold for her?  What about the people around her?…..

The Healer Within (Wisdom Mastery)

Healer Elsbeth

-by Elsbeth D. Shields

Wisdom mastery is about looking within and rememering that your wisdom resides in every cell of your body. It is nothing that is taught to you; you have only to remeber yourself. You carry the answers to the quewstions you ask. You are the gift you have been seeking. Your internal guides bring awareness within your cellular structure, enabling the internal sounds of your nervous system to “vibrate” matter into an understanding of its nature and structure for remembering all the parts of yourself. (That’s what ‘invoking’ s all about.)

It’s a tool to help you remember your divinity and tune into your intuition or your third eye; turning that “eye” within and looking for your guides in your spinal column….

The Energy of Love’s Transformation

-by Karen Tants

What (or who) provides food for the soul, brings music to the ears, peace to the mind and joy to the heart? As we all know, nature’s food provides fuel for the body. Conversely, spiritual sustenance is provided by the unseen force beyond that which we can physically see (which affects how we feel, our ability and desire to create, to kow and to understand), and is the driving force4 behind our creative power to continue excisting and continuing forward on our chosen path.

Writers, artists, musicians, creative geniuses wh live their passion are people who bring forth food for the soul to assist not only oneself but also others…..

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