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Rescues and Liberation for Cult Captives


Also, remember to get my latest book that includes some of my stories about exorcisms and de-haunting

Ghosts, Demons & Other Nasties:
Psychic Battles Fought & Won

Ever been attacked by a demon, confronted a satanic cult, or fought plain evil or black magic? Ever encountered and helped release earthbound ghosts? What about extraterrestrial aliens? Or even crime scene intuitive investigations? I have. Many times.

  Good People Can Be Caught Up In Dangerous Satanic Cults What Can Be Done About It?

Evil intentioned groups that use deceptive and manipulative methods to recruit and indoctrinate trusting, unsuspecting, or troubled people can capture and abuse cult and coven members.

Sometimes it is far to easy to be taken in by promises of "true faith," salvation, happiness, wealth, power, excitement, and/or and fame. Unusual and inviting spiritual or philosophical ideals, combined with a common goal can draw people in to dangerous situations.

It is easy to believe that an elite and privileged group of people want to help everyone find salvation and personal power. Cults provide a "special family" relationship with other members. They provide a sense of being loved and special.

I have most often faced the purveyors of black magic and the abuses they pile onto their members.

Leaders and strong members of the groups, according to a quote by Margaret Singer, PhD., "come off very nice at first, they go for vulnerable people who are looking for answers, lonely, what you call 'normal people.' They're very good at what they do and can get people to believe anything. You might think you'd never get taken in, but don't bet on it."

All of these concepts seem inviting and interesting. What people forget is that there is nearly always a price to pay for such gifts. "Forty Eight Hours" describes cults in their article "How to identify a cult: six tips from an expert" as "secretive, exploitative and closed to outsiders." For individuals seeking to find a sense of belonging and acceptance, these promises are quite appealing. For other individuals it is the ability to be part of a group with great supernatural powers and purpose, part of an inner circle of special beings.

Often, the individuals don't even recognize the captivity and dominant control to which they have surrendered. Even though they are abused and financially stripped of all "vulgar" and "immoral" earthly belongings. The act of pure surrender to the group and its cause is made to look like the ultimate proclamation of devotion.

Once in the cult, members are either so enmeshed in the beliefs that it would be treasonous or sacrilegious to think about leaving. Or they are terrified of what would happen to them or their loved ones should they try to escape. The exploitation becomes natural and acceptable. The view of "outsiders" is one of deceivers and evil influences, ready to cause harm to the group. After enough time, brainwashing, and simple rewards, the mindset of a cult member rarely resembles his/her original personality or world view. Clever brainwashing combined with rewards and praise are extremely effective.

A variety of specialized cults even promote violence and murder as part of their accepted culture. Think of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Antifa, and others. Think of the many religious or spiritual groups that have long claimed that any infidel must be destroyed to cleanse the earth of their evil ways, or claim that human sacrifice is the only channel to the gods.. You can likely think of many different groups that fit into this category: The Crusades, Radical Islam, Satanic groups, the Aztecs, and many other tribes or groups throughout history. Such groups are alive and thriving today.

I have dealt with a number of satanic and evil groups over time. They are dangerous and powerful.

I can help people fight and escape evil, demonic and satanic groups. I have also worked with other religious, political, or philosophical groups that are after the money, minds, and adoration of people to achieve their own ends.

The stories in my book are all true and can give some background on some of my "adventures" in the dark.

When you or a loved one find yourself trapped in an abusive or dangerous cult situation, especially if it involves dark magic and danger, what can be done?

If you or another person needs help to escape and finding protection from a group of this type, it is almost certain that you will need help. If you or another have either surrendered (purposefully or through subterfuge) to a dark cult or coven they will not willingly release control or give up the energies being used by such groups.

You can seek and receive help. I am one of those people that can be of help. I am not be the only person who can be there for you. But I have the experience, the will power, and the spiritual support to take on evil dark powers and win. For those who are serious about escaping, I can help.

I am a spiritual warrior who can intervene and help people successfully break away and recover their own lives.

There are many who will work with escaping groups that hold an emotional and ideological hold on individuals. That, is a special talent. And I have done that as well.

My greatest talent is in helping people caught up in the threads of dark magic, esoteric lust, energy control, and truly evil beings. I have fought and won multiple battles with these groups.

The battles are psychic in nature rather than physical. And every situation is different.

When I take on a client for these situations I prefer meet with the clients and discern as much information as possible to plan the event. If it is an immediate emergency, I follow my spiritual guidance and warrior soul.

You can call, text, or write me for more information.

We Could Meet At Your Location
  • For this, I may need to come to your location, depending upon the circumstances. Arrangements vary dependent upon location, timing, etc.

  • To come to your location, in addition to my fees, you must be responsible for: my travel expenses; lodging expenses if needed; possible meal expenses

  • You can mix and match various services to take full advantage of my expertise. These services must be planned in advance, to assure that I bring any necessary tools and materials needed to render specific services.


Are You in this situation?

If you believe that you or someone you care about is experiencing such a situation,
feel free to contact me.
We can analyze the situation and develop a plan of action to correct and heal it.


If you have questions about, or are seeking other services, please contact me at
or +1 (530) 713-4857.
We can discuss our options. There may also be something else I can offer that is not listed.

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