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Exorcisms and DeHauntings
Clearing for people, animals, places, things


Also, remember to get my latest book that includes some of my stories about exorcisms and de-haunting

Ghosts, Demons & Other Nasties:
Psychic Battles Fought & Won

Ever been attacked by a demon, confronted a satanic cult, or fought plain evil or black magic? Ever encountered and helped release earthbound ghosts? What about extraterrestrial aliens? Or even crime scene intuitive investigations? I have. Many times.

Available: At Balboa Press          At Amazon     
At Presentations or Classes

Possessions/Hauntings Are Real What Can Be Done? You In This Situation? What I Can Offer
Possessions and Hauntings Are Real!

Individuals, animals, things and places can be "possessed" or attacked by energies from out sources. The outside sources may be demonic in nature, lost spirits or ghosts, elementals, or even living humans. Whatever the source, an outside energy source attaches itself to a person, animal, place or thing and alters the natural energetic pattern of whatever/whomever is being attacked.

The worm in the picture is something that developed on a Polaroid picture within 15 minutes after the main picture developed. No other pictures on this roll had any strange spots. We got rid of that worm entity quickly.

In many cases, the outside entity takes control and causes harm. This is a possession. Possessions are usually deliberate and malicious in intent. On the other hand, a haunting is an attachment by a ghost or outside entity. It may or may not be deliberately malicious in nature.

Either way, there is a real and often dangerous affect upon whatever/whomever is under these influences. Both situations are dangerous and must be taken seriously.

Sometimes individuals are attacked by living individuals related to cult situations. When a person has had contact with people commanding "power over" him/her and then tries to regain freedom, attempts to maintain that control and even psychic attacks can occur. It is often an attempt to maintain control, or it could be a punishment for attempting to escape. This type of attack is different than possessions and are handled differently.

However, it is wise to be sure of the situation before taking action. Unfortunately, there has been a long history of mistaken assessments for people with psychic awareness being considered possessed. Highly sensitive individual see the world different than most, and when they try to discuss their experiences with others, they are often diagnosed as mentally ill or possessed. In either case, the individual has traditionally been over-medicated and even institutionalized for being different. It is important to determine the true cause of any situation before taking definitive actions.

If you or someone about whom you care encounter one of these situations, seek help in determining the cause of the attacks or control. If you are not certain what to do or who to trust, you can contact me. I can most likely help you determine the cause of the situation and plan how to heal it.

The book advertised above has a variety of a few stories of my experiences in this field. I am here to help if needed and desired.

What can be done?

First, it is important to realize what an exorcism is. In actuality, it is the removal of an unwanted entity or influence, and the subsequent replacement of that energy with positive and productive energies. It may seem like some "woogie woogie" and scary situation, which it can be. But mostly is is removing the negative and replacing it with positive.

If it is an earth-bound spirit (a soul of someone who died and does not know how to go to progression, or on to the afterlife) is haunting someone, someplace or something, it can be released and sent away. This is often accomplished in a peaceful and joyful, yet stern manner by a qualified exorcist. Most earthbound souls are either lost or have unfinished business. A good intuitive spiritual warrior can communicate with such souls and help them move on to the afterlife, out of their current confinement.

If it is a possession, then the external entity has some purpose in mind, and is wrongfully taking over the person, animal, thing, or place to achieve its own purpose. it can, and often is, demonic in nature. Yet it could also be a living person attempting to achieve his/her desire outcome through direct manipulation. The required exorcism, or release, for this situation is generally of a direct confrontation and battle. Such a battle requires someone with experience, an iron will, strong spiritual support (guides) and unique esoteric powers.

In nearly all situations, with rare exceptions, the external influence can be safely and permanently banished. Then healing from the attack can be addressed.

I have successfully accepted and carried through with casting out such beings. The process must be tailored to each individual situation. Although there are general procedures to follow, each situation is unique and requires individualized actions. It also requires a strong and positive connection to the universal God force, or Tao, at all times. Negative must be matched and overcome through divine intervention through a living being working to the highest good with pure intention.

Here are other ghost pictures:


Are You in this situation?

If you believe that you or someone you care about is experiencing such a situation, feel free to contact me. We can analyze the situation and develop a plan of action to correct and heal it.


What I Can Offer

Below are the types of exorcisms and de-haunting services I commonly address. Look at the lists below. The information can help you identify the issues so I can be of help. After you have decided which type of service you wish to have, or if you are still uncertain, check with me. We can then clarify what type of service and delivery system will work for you: phone, mail, email, you coming to me, or me coming to you.

Haunted Objects
  • Is an object haunted or even possessed?

  • How dangerous is the haunting or outside influence?

  • What is the best plan of action to cleanse and protect the object?

  • What happens following the assessment of the situation is determined by your wishes and the severity of the situation?

  • Sometimes the process can be conducted remotely, but it usually requires that you ship the object to me, or have me personally come to you.

    • Items shipped must be packaged per my instructions for protection of the item and to avoid harm to those who handle them in shipment6

    • You will want to insure your package

    • Provide a means for return shipping or arrange with me for a disposal of the object if necessary

    • You will be provided with appropriate feedback in every situation

  • This service is available through any of the delivery services listed below

  • Feel free to contact me for more information...

Haunted Places
  • Is a structure or piece of property haunted, or even possessed?

  • How dangerous is the haunting or outside influence?

  • What is the best plan of action to cleanse and protect the location?

  • What happens following the assessment of the situation is determined by your wishes and the severity of the situation?

  • This service is usually only available during a personal visit. Since this is an interactive process, it is essential that it be conducted as a one-on-one session.

    • You would begin with an e-mail describing the situation, including contact information

    • I would work with you to analyze the situation

    • Then we would make a plan of action for the cleansing and healing of the affected structure or property

  • Feel free to contact me for more information...

Haunted People and/or Animals
  • Is a an individual or animal haunted?

  • How dangerous is the haunting or outside influence?

  • What is the best plan of action to cleanse and protect the individual or animal?

  • What happens following the assessment of the situation is determined by your wishes and the severity of the situation?

  • This service is usually only available during a personal visit. Since this is an interactive process, it is essential that it be conducted as a one-on-one session.

    • You would begin with an e-mail describing the situation, including contact information

    • I would work with you to analyze the situation

    • Then we would make a plan of action for the cleansing and healing of the affected structure or property

  • Feel free to contact me for more information...


Possessed People and/or Animals
  • This is often the most dangerous and most destructive situation, and requires the most care in dealing with it.

  • Is a an individual or animal possessed?

  • How dangerous is the possession? It is usually a critical situation that must be addressed.

  • What is the best plan of action to exorcise, cleanse and protect the individual or animal?

  • What happens following the assessment of the situation? That is determined by your wishes and the severity of the situation.

  • This service is usually only available during a personal visit. Since this is an interactive process, it is essential that it be conducted as a one-on-one session.

    • You would begin with an e-mail describing the situation, including contact information

    • I would work with you to analyze the situation

    • Then we would make a plan of action for the cleansing and healing of the affected structure or property

  • Feel free to contact me for more information...


If you have questions about, or are seeking other services, please contact me at
Ldenyer@netzero.net or +1 (530) 713-4857.
We can discuss our options. There may also be something else I can offer that is not listed.


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