Multiple Lifetimes... It is worth considering the concept of living multiple lifetimes, or reincarnation
- Do we live just one life? Or many?
- Does it matter?
- Does it make a difference in how we deal with the life we now experience?
I say yes! We as spiritual beings live many lifetimes. Yes there is great value on a spiritual level to having many different experiences and lessons. Yes, what we do in this current life has an impact on our high soul being and future lifetimes. We are complex and beautiful in our ability to create and live many lives that each provide learning opportunities that nurture our souls.
Defining Reincarnation
Reincarnation literally means “to be made flesh again” as a doctrine or metaphysical belief that some essential part of a living being (most believe one human always human) survives death to be reborn in a new body. This essential part is often referred to as the spirit or soul, the “higher” or “true” self, “divine spark,” or “I.” According to such beliefs, a new personality is developed during each life in the physical world, but an essential part of the true self remains constant throughout the successive lives. (Theosophy and reincarnation )

Experiences, decisions and actions taken in other lives can dramatically affect how you live your life today. Accordingly, what you do in this lifetime affects future life experiences. Basically, that is part of what we call Karma. Actions and reactions have consequences, be they challenging or wonderful. Relationships, health, social situations, personality and more can be affected in this life and future lives. All of these components have a direct impact on your soul itself.
It is up to you to determine how you move forward from this moment on and how it will impact your current lifetime, future lives, and your true immortal soul.
Forgive (give forward to God unconditionally) prior actions which bring pain or misunderstandings. Give yourself credit for what you have learned and what you can still learn from prior and future actions. Be the best you possible with gratitude for the learning each experience brings.
Each moment in time is a choice for future moments and experiences. Consider them carefully and wisely. That is the seed that births enlightenment.
Blessings to you as you walk the great path of this life. Fly free and live wisely dear soul!
Other Lifetimes Influence This Life
Experiences, decisions and actions taken in other lives can dramatically affect how you live your life today. Accordingly, what you do in this lifetime affects future life experiences. Basically, that is part of what we call Karma. Actions and reactions have consequences, be they challenging or wonderful. Relationships, health, social situations, personality and more can be affected in this life and future lives. All of these components have a direct impact on your soul itself.

It is up to you to determine how you move forward from this moment on and how it will impact your current lifetime, future lives, and your true immortal soul.
Forgive (give forward to God unconditionally) prior actions which bring pain or misunderstandings. Give yourself credit for what you have learned and what you can still learn from prior and future actions. Be the best you possible with gratitude for the learning each experience brings.
Each moment in time is a choice for future moments and experiences. Consider them carefully and wisely. That is the seed that births enlightenment.
Blessings to you as you walk the great path of this life. Fly free and live wisely dear soul!

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