Master Intuitive Psychic and Counselor Testimonials

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Master Intuitive, Psychic & Mentoring Testimonials

Since I expect you probably want to know a little about some of my accomplishments, and what others think of me, I created a simplified list of some of my mundane and spiritual accomplishments and clients' testimonials.





I touch the sky with my feet on the ground.
By so doing, I learn who I am.

- My Personal Motto That Guides My Daily Life

Master Intuitive, Psychic & Counselor

I am sharing some of the comments given to me over time by clients, for which I am very grateful.
If I have their notes and cards, but did not request specific permission to use their names, I substituted initials.
I am so blessed to have gathered so many lovely messages. Blessings to you all.

Intuitive, Psychic & Counselor

Anglic & Intuitive Connections
MANY VALUABLE LESSONS: "In the many years that I have known Laverne Denyer, I have known her to be a loving caring compassionate and ethical teacher and healer. Over the years she has taught me many many valuable lessons that I have taken with me and passed on to my own students. There are no words to express how grateful I am to her for everything that she has done for me and everything that she does for the planet. She has not only been teacher to me, she has been mother sister and best friend, and I love her with all of my heart and soul.
Celene Wolf
SUPPORT: "Dearest Laverne. You have been an amazing support and wonderful friend, and I cherish you. Thank you for being there for me! Wishing you all the best. May your dreams come true."
GAINED MORE: "I imagine I'd gained more from you than the average therapist, life &/or business-coach."
RIGHT ON: "Well, your card reading has been RIGHT ON!!"
BEAUTIFUL SHELL: "You are like a beautiful shell on the beach of my life. I'm so glad the tide of life brought you in. Love, Light and Laughter."
COMING TRUE ALREADY: "Dear Laverne. It has been over a year since we last spoke. I hope all is well. It has been an interesting and eventful time -- much of what you spoke of has come true already."
GREAT TO CONNECT: "Dear Laverne. It was great to meet and connect with you. Thank you for your support and sweet energy. Much Love."
ALWAYS BEING THERE: "Thank you for always being there. I appreciate your insight and the gracious way you share your gifts. Love."
L and R
INSPIRATION: "Just a little note to tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life. Thank you for being who you are. Which (among many other wonderful things) is being the best friend ever, the best compassionate listener, awesomely creative and steadfast in anything you do, especially with your dedication to your students, being the perfect mate for your hubby, and the list goes on and on. I love you like a Sister. You are the person who inspires me to rise above all that brings me down, let go of illusions, knowing and realizing my radiance, and striving to be the best I can be. Thank you for being so great."
(A note from my deceased friend Elsbeth from years ago which she gave permission to post with her name before passing.)
Dr. Elsbeth D. Shields
COMING TRUE, STRESS FREE: "Dear Laverne. All that we talked about is coming true. I am having a stress-free time!"
GUIDANCE: "Laverne. Just wanted to thank you for all the time you have spent and all the guidance you have given me in the short time we have known each other. Love."
KINDNESS & LISTENING: "Thanks so much for your time, your kindness, your listening, and suggestions. I feel better -- everywhere!"
SO SPECIAL: "Dear Laverne. Words cannot express my deep appreciation to you for everything. You are special and I love you."
WISH I HAD YOUR GIFT: "Hi Laverne. I wanted to thank you for the conversation Friday night! It really has had me thinking and now makes so much sense. You have an amazing gift I wish I had... you're very lucky. I'm glad I got the chance to meet you and hope to chat with you again soon."
UPLIFTING: "A wonderful experience working with Laverne through and through! Just speaking with her feels uplifting! Trust me when I say she can help you!"
OPENNESS: "Dear Laverne. Felt that I must write to thank you so very much for your openness and friendship. Also, for helping to open my mind to new experiences and putting me more in touch with my inner self. This newfound way has brought me happiness and also now I feel much more at peace with myself. Thank you so much for the privilege of having met you and thank you for your friendship. Of which you so freely give. The book you gave me (Magic Key: Meditation) means a great deal to me. I shall treasure it always. Whenever I meditate much love will be coming to you. So be happy, be well and may God grant you peace, love and happiness. Always Forever."
EGO BOOSTS: "Dear Laverne. Thank you for the time you have given me. Plus, all of those ego booster shots you give. Love"
A GREAT HELP: "Laverne. This is just a note to thank you. You have been a great help. I'm a step further on my path now. I think of you often and send good thoughts your way when I do. Again thanks. You're one of the most beautiful people I've met. Love and Light."
MOST INTERESTING PERSON: "Dear Laverne. You have been there for me. You have helped me to see things I never would have. You are truly the most interesting person I know. Thank you.
ASSISTING ME ALONG MY PATH: "Dear Laverne. This comes to thank you for your love and care in assisting me along my path. It is my heart's desire to release all that no longer serves me so that I can be a more open, loving channel for Spirit. Love and Blessings."
SUPPORT AND INTEGRITY: "Thanks Laverne. A personal thanks goes to you from me, for being so supportive and filled with integrity. With love."
HONORED: "Dearest Laverne. I am so honored to have you in my circle. I love you and appreciate all you have done for me! Thank you so much! Love."

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