
Questions for Laverne?

What questions do you have for Laverne? They may address things in your life, questions in general, or most anything of interest to you. Psychic. Paranormal. Spiritual. Metaphysical. Philosophical. If I cannot answer, I will tell you. But the odds are I will have something for you.


Hello and Welcome

You are welcome to ask me questions and I will do my best to answer them in this space. I will also post ideas for your consideration. You need to know that no matter what questions you ask, I will always find the most positive and productive answers, designed to help you heal and grow. […]

After Death arrives: The Time Between Lives, and What Souls Experience

As channeled by through my guides: As a soul comes near the end of an earthly life it develops a strong higher consciousness, you would call it a sub-conscious level, of awareness regarding the life just experienced. As that end comes nearer and nearer, the memories of experiences and lessons begin to catalog in the […]

Ultimate Victory

“The ultimate victory in life is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give.” Anon How well does this quote fit into your own life? What can you do to make this even more true about […]

Ethics of A Healing Facilitator

Ethics of A Healing Facilitator

I wrote this many years ago for students taking my class on energetic patterns and ways to facilitate healing opportunities. Ethical behavior for all holistic work is mandatory, as is remembering that we are facilitators for the healing process. The clients do with our offerings as they wish. Feel free to download and even share […]

Surprisingly, I Love My Husband’s Snoring!

I LOVE MY HUSBAND’S SNORING! Or, as I prefer to think of it, his purring. I hear so many people complain about a partner’s snoring and wonder if they realize the gift of life being shared with them. When I hear his beautiful purring (no matter how loud) I know he is alive and near […]

After Death arrives: The Time Between Lives, and What Souls Experience

As a soul comes to the end of an earthly life it develops a strong higher consciousness, you would call it a sub-conscious level, of awareness regarding the life just experienced. As that end comes nearer and nearer, the memories of experiences and lessons begin to catalog in the soul mind for deep consideration. There […]

Release What Holds You Back

Release the prior constraints you have placed upon yourself.  You are holding back in multiple ways.  When trying to be safe, the answer to opportunity is always “no.” Go for “YES!” Risk.  Apply for those things that may take you slightly beyond what you think you can get.  Because you have much to offer and […]

Life Is

My Automatic Writing from November 2014 Life is short, yet long.Life is painful yet joyful.Life is a contradiction and a validation.Life is… What it is. What you make of life is the challenge and the reward.Enjoy the moments.Life is a plan, with freedom to go with the flow.Life is… A gift. Use time well.Make those […]